Small business consultants are available to you in all 83 counties of Michigan. Every consultant is certified in small business counseling and has years of success working with small businesses. Our small business team is dedicated to assisting our clients with one-on-one counseling sessions, training and market research assistance. You may be required to submit a draft business plan or attend a business workshop prior to meeting one-on-one with a business consultant.
To assist entrepreneurs, the SBDC created a 2015 Guide to Starting and Operating a Small Business. Though this guide is not a substitute for legal or financial counsel, it is an information resource and quick reference designed to make the process of starting and operating a business in Michigan a little less overwhelming.
You’ll likely have questions for our business consultants. As an SBDC client, you will receive one-on-one meetings to assist small business you with:- Developing growth strategies
- Preparing a business plan
- Determining cash flow issues
- Defining marketing initiatives
- Developing sales strategies
Business Education
You will have access to training through our Venture Start Series, including business education in the following areas:- Starting a Business
These tools assist with competitive assessments, sales development, demographic analysis, website marketing, and benchmarking to industry financials.
New Services
Your business needs are always evolving, so we introduce new services to ensure you have access to the information necessary for success.
Our research team has developed a customized SEO Online Marketing Report. Each report offers an in-depth analysis of your website, providing demographics on the visitors, tips for improving the design, and keywords to drive traffic to the site and increase sales.