You may also use any of the following ways to register for classes or workshops:
- Call the SBDC at 541.463.6200 and have the course number (CRN) and the title ready. You will need to give your name, address, birth date, and contact information.
- Print registration form, fill it out, and fax the registration to the SBDC at 541.463.6203.
- Print registration form, fill it out, and mail the registration to: Lane Community College, Small Business Development Center, 101 West 10th Avenue, Suite 304, Eugene OR 97401.
With submission of this registration form, Lane SBDC will register you into the Lane student registration system as a charge. You will need to complete the process by paying your bill online at lanecc.edu website using the myLane web page and your student identification number (L#)
and PIN/pass phrase (a current email address will also be required).
if you are not familiar with Lanes myLane web registration process or dont have an L# and pin. We will email you the steps to pay the outstanding charge. Lane does not mail out invoices, it is your responsibility to pay the charge online or by mail.
If you wish, returning students may log into Lane's
You can use myLane to search for classes, register, make payments, and view your transcript, as well as many other functions. You must have a student identification number (L#) number, a Pin/pass phrase, as well as a current email address to use myLane. To obtain an 'L#', have trouble logging in, or if you have any other questions, please call the Lane Business Small Development Center at 541.463.6200.
Policies and Procedures:
The information and address that you provide on the registration form are used for Small Business Development Center (SBDC) marketing purposes, financial reporting, and data management. By filling out this form you are consenting to this use.
Attendance at this (these) event(s) will be transcripted by Lane Community College. Lane safeguards the privacy of your personal information in accordance with federal FERPA guidelines.
Refunds and Withdrawals:
If you choose to not attend a class or workshop, it is your responsibility to withdraw from the class or workshop.
- Any class or workshop scheduled for less than 10 weeks must be dropped a minimum of three business days prior to the first session.
- Classes scheduled for 10 weeks or more must be dropped no later than the end of the first week of class.
- For drops after the start date, there is no guarantee of refund or credit to your account. Your written request will be considered and you will be notified once a decision is made. Note: Refunds are generally given when there is sufficient documentation of medical or extenuating circumstances constituting an emergency.
- First, you will need to register for advising on the Oregon Small Business Development Center Network Advising webpage. Go online to: bizcenter.org Advising Registration, click login then select the location, Eugene - Lane Community College, click in the email address box and enter your email address, and then click continue. Next, a Resource Team member will contact you to set up an appointment.
- Call 541.463.6200 to set up your advising appointment.
Offered in partnership with:
The Oregon Small Business Development Centers are partially funded by the US Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Oregon Business Development Department. Lane SBDCs workshops, classes and advising/coaching services are partially funded by this support. Primary funding for the Lane SBDC is provided by Lane Community College.
Disability Statement