Assistant Business Development Manager

October 3, 2019
Ankit Jindal - Assistant

The business development assistant is hired by companies in a variety of industries, usually by the marketing department. Most companies require that the business development assistant has a bachelor's degree in marketing, public relations, or a related major. However, some companies will accept a high school diploma if the applicant has enough experience. In fact, most companies would like an applicant that has had several years of experience working in the industry of the company they're applying to. The business development assistant should have a good working knowledge of the Microsoft office suite of products. They will usually be working in an office setting, and travel is usually not required.

The business development assistant will be working closely with other departments such as sales, business, or others, depending on the company itself. Their main role in the company is to facilitate the development and implementation of various business plans and programs that will help the company or one of the company's clients grow and prosper. The business development assistant will have tasks such as analyzing data to understand market conditions, preparing agendas for both long and short term, and maintaining updates to web content. In addition, the business development assistant can also be asked to directly assist clients and keep good, healthy relationships with these customers. The assistant can also be asked to create and deliver large presentations to both executives and clients, as well as detailed strategies, sales reports, and other data. The business development assistant will be working with the business development manager, as well as other staff members as needed.

Business Development Assistant Tasks

  • Create, organize, disseminate, and proof communication, presentation and documentation.
  • Build, check, and expand client database and key contact information.
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