What is a typical salary for this position in Ireland?
- Was this comment helpful? / has to do with percentages of different areas of the business structure. However, the main department of the entire business is the marketing. Business development takes a bite of bits and pieces of a few areas of the entire company that deals more or less directly with the customers of the company's products and/or services. The main concept of developing a business is getting the customers of the individual business(s) to deliver its promises as propaergated to the public on time, in time, with better previlleges as promised to the public and may be just a little more benefits than expected. Mainly, the more unexpected fringe benefits the company provides, or attaches to the service/product, the more confidence the company builds in the customer. It must NOT be forgotten that the more the company provide for the customer the more its products/services becomes propular; obvioously the more sales for the cmpany.
- Was this comment helpful? / for a new Division within a company. Have a final interview and I want to come prepared with a proposal showing how I intend to penetrate the market. I have basic understanding of how to approach this and have complete understanding of the products and services needed to get there, however the business development aspect is my weakest point and ready to learn. All suggestions are appreciated to get a leg up on starting date.