Creative Concepts Computer Design will provide computer and technical consulting to local small businesses as well as home PC users. In doing so the company will focus on marketing, responsiveness, quality, and creating and retaining customer relations.
The Company
Creative Concepts will initially be a sole proprietorship with minimum outside financing. Creative Concepts will be a home office start-up, utilizing one studio room in the owner's home and serving customers in the local Eugene, Oregon area.
Creative Concepts will be initially owned by Bram Ekstrand. Depending on growth, the company will possibly add additional employees and expand operations.
The Market
Market research indicates an available market niche able to be occupied by additional businesses of this nature. The very nature of the computing industry, with its extraordinary rate of technological development, creates a constant need for businesses skilled in updating and advising customers on computer-related issues. Home PC users will provide the majority of our business revenue. These jobs will typically consist of minor upgrades services and advising. Business Week expects the computing industry to grow at a rate of 12% and the processor speeds to continue to expand for years to come, providing a rich resource for sales.
Creative Concepts has decided to focus mainly on the home PC market for many reasons. These home customers typically request jobs that are easier, faster, and less resource intensive then the opposing small business customer. In addition, this market tends to offer more flexibility for service times allowing a more productive workday.
Our target market will focus on Eugene and the surrounding areas. Market research indicates there is an abundance of business for a small company such as Creative Concepts. If a need exists for increased business, such promotional mediums as radio or print ads will be explored.
There are two main competitors for the computer upgrade business in the greater Eugene/Springfield area. These companies are VOS and Suntech Computers. Both of these companies charge rates in excess of Creative Concepts, therefore we expect to be able to attract the price-sensitive market without much work.
Financial Considerations
Total start-up expenses are modest. Since this is a service business and not product oriented, operational costs should remain low through the start-up process.
Fixed costs have been set at a reasonably accurate monthly level. This should allow for equipment maintenance and purchase or replacement of basic tools used in performing our services. Variable costs have been set per unit to allow for additional expenses such as gas or other travel costs specific to each job.
1.1 Objectives
- To provide a service to the community that is in sufficient demand as to generate a profit.
- Gain a strong repeat customer base to maximize growth.
- Become a positive influence in the community in which we operate.
1.2 Mission
To become a contributing unit of society while delivering a product of exceptional quality, value, and in a timely fashion. We will treat every customer as if they were our only customer.
1.3 Keys to Success
- Marketing and Networking (being known to the public).
- Responsiveness (being an on-call computer paramedic with fast response time).
- Quality (getting the job done right the first time, offering 100% guarantee).