Business Planning and Development

September 19, 2015
Your business planning and

The Griffin Firm, PLLC has a history of supporting individuals and businesses start and grow businesses from the idea stage to job creators.

Attorney Aimee Griffin has been recognized by the Small Business Administration as the Minority Small Business Champion for New England through her work as the founder of the New England Black Chamber of Commerce and the Director of the Western New England University Law and Business Center for Advancing Entrepreneurship (now known as the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship).

Aimee continues her work as a Corporate Counsel for the US Black Chambers, Inc.

Supporting the growth of small business is the cornerstone of economic development for the US economy. The Griffin Firm works to coach, counsel and comply with regulations and laws for effective business growth and development.

Business Succession Planning is a vital component of economic growth and stability for the owners, shareholders and community. The creation of strategic plans for ongoing growth through various stages is truly the measure of success for the business and its owners.

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Business Planning and Development (BPD) Unit, Anand ...
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