The best formula for success in a startup is a good technical/operations person and a good sales/marketing/business person. In our experience, small businesses often do not have high-level financial talent in-house. Nor should they – an experienced CFO is expensive and is only needed at certain times in a startup’s life. The business may have a part time bookkeeper and/or accountant who looks at the books once a year and prepares the tax returns. This is often not enough financial expertise to attract and satisfy financial investment, either from a VC or a bank. Most small businesses do not have the necessary finance ability in house but they just need financial consulting services on an as needed periodic basis.
It is vitally important to make investors happy and keep an eye on cash flow. Cash is the lifeblood of most startups and lack of capital is the number one reason small businesses fail. Often, this is because the business model is flawed. However, just as often it is because the founders do not understand where to get and manage capital.
Acting CFO
We can help with capital acquisition and operating budgets. We will create and execute capital acquisition plans. We will provide the necessary small business financial consulting by being your Acting CFO when you cannot afford one full time. We can set up your Quickbooks, find and interview a bookkeeper, review monthly or quarterly financials, aid with tax preparation, communicate with the bank, and much more. And when you can afford a full time CFO we will help you find and hire a top rate candidate.