To paraphrase the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland:
if you don’t know where you’re going any path will take you there.
When it comes to marketing your law firm, the adage is just as accurate. It is incredibly important whether the process involves small law firm marketing, or a large law firm business development efforts. For long term success of any firm, marketing planning should be aimed at the types of clients you want to represent, and involve the types of law practice you enjoy doing.
Whether it involves individual, lawyer marketing planning, or large law firm strategic planning, planning for e a focus to avoid going with the fad-of-the-month law firm marketing plan.
However, it does not have to be a complicated, scary proposition, nor a lengthy and time-consuming process. Rather, Kane Consulting offers a relatively painless and quick process relating to the developing a business plan for your firm or individual lawyers within the firm.
The planning process goes like this:
- Each lawyer involved in the law firm marketing planning will be asked to fill out a questionnaire relating to each attorney’s current practice, marketing activities, and preferences relating to practice and clients. The information requested will include among other items:
- Types of matters handled,
- Source(s) of client work,
- SWOT(strengths/weaknesses/opportunities/threats) for the lawyer/practice group,
- Percentage of time spent on specific matters and clients; and
- The resulting % of their revenues from each,
- Preferences as to types of matters each would like to obtain, and
- Ideal clients they would prefer to represent.
Each lawyer would fill out the questionnaire independently, and answers will be kept in complete confidence, and not shared unless the lawyer or practice group prefers that they are.
- Based on the information gathered from the questionnaires, and one or two additional telephone consultations with each lawyer, an attorney specific marketing plan or group plan will be prepared for the lawyers approval.
- Deliverable: Business Development Plans for each lawyer (one to two pages) or for a practice group that can be implemented immediately. It will include types of targets (clients, referral sources, prospects & organizations) to pursue, specific actions to be carried out, and a timeframe for the action items.
- Additionally, for a nominal monthly fee, Kane Consulting will offer legal coaching on an ongoing basis to motivate and continue to focus the business development plans and the efforts of the individual lawyers.